
Story by  ATV | Posted by  AVT | Date 12-06-2021


Every year on 12th June, World Child Labor Prohibition Day is celebrated all over the world. It was started by the International Labor Union in 2002. Its main objective is to make people aware of the education of children below 14 years of age by not making them work. June 12 is marked as the World Day Against the Problem of Child Labor and attention has been paid to the problem of child labor to find ways to eradicate it or fight against it. Children are forced into forced labour, forced into illegal activities such as drug trafficking and prostitution. Because of this, this day is celebrated to make people aware about the problem of child labor and to help them.
Many children aged 5 to 17 are engaged in activities that deprive them of a normal childhood, such as adequate education, proper health care, leisure time or simply basic freedom. In 2002, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations body that regulates the world of work, launched the World Day Against Child Labor for this reason.