Farooq Abdullah tells party men 1500 youth spying on Kashmiris

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 12-05-2023
NC President Dr Farooq Abdullah
NC President Dr Farooq Abdullah


New Delhi

Dr. Farooq Abdullah, former Chief Minister and chief of the National Conference party has made highly controversial remarks about the Kashmiri youth.

He said the IB (Intelligence Bureau) has raised 15,000 local youth as informers to spy on Kashmiris.

Addressing his party men in Shopian in south Kashmir and speaking in the Kashmiri language, Dr. Abdullah alleged that “the youth are being paid (by the IB) to keep an eye on you.” He asked his party men to be careful and keep an eye on the activities of their children.

Abdullah, who has a penchant for making controversial statements, alleged that the “innocent boys have no ideas that they will be slaughtered (done away with) tomorrow (in the coming days).”

Below is the video clip of Dr. Abdullah's address at the meeting of his party men that is posted on Twitter by Srinagar-based journalists:

Abdullah further told his party men to strengthen the National Conference in view of “such challenges.”

Abdullah who also heads the People’s Alliance for the Gupkar Declaration, a loose alliance of the opposition political parties who have forged a common agenda to fight for the restoration of special status under Article 370.

He alleged that these 15,00 Kashmiri youth have been trained and provided with mobiles to tip off the intelligence agencies about “everyone’s activities.”

It may be recalled that Dr Abdullah has served as chief minister three times, a Member of Lok Sabha, and also a Union minister.