Quran teaches time and tide wait for none

Story by  Eman Sakina | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 16-12-2022
Representational image: Muslims praying (Ravi Batra)
Representational image: Muslims praying (Ravi Batra)


Eman Sakina

Have you ever gone to the beach and observed the ocean's tides change in time? Regardless of how much you need to keep it in your hand's cusp, it will flow back, and the next flow will begin. It is the same with time. Time is the most important aspect that is limited in everyday life. Everything else can be extended, prolonged, or increased since your birth, but time is the most compelling factor, which is limited.

Friday Musings

Many kings have proclaimed themselves to be the ruler of their time or something similar throughout history. In any case, they have no idea that the time they are working has a limit. The most abundant resource on earth is time.

Time can transform you into a ruler or a poor person in the flash of an eye. Overall, we can contend that God's greatest gift is time. There is also the proverb "Time will waste you if you sit around idly." This assertion alone is sufficient to demonstrate the significance and value of time.

 The value of time and tide is revealed by ‘the proverb time and tide wait for none and their truth that both wait for none. Time is a precious commodity. Sometimes ‘time and tides wait for no man’ are equivalent to this phrase. Even famous personalities like ‘Alexander the Great’ who dreamt big had to accept his defeat in front of the time.

 We know time is more valuable than money. If the financial condition goes down it can be uplifted but if the time has been lost it cannot be regained. Time is a gift given by god to all living things on the earth. No one can prove his ownership on time. Humans have an unpredictable death, so we should not spend any morsel of precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of life.

Once, for motivating a depressed lost contestant in an event, a motivator said, “Don't say you don't have time to prepare, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, and the victory depends on the perfect utilization of it.” Your future is carved based on how you use your time in the present. So, respecting the time and making the best use of it is advisable.

Allah Almighty has clearly stated the value of time in Quran. We should make use of time wisely to increase our faith in this life and the hereafter too.

Indeed, we displease Allah the Highest when we misuse time. We must remember that time must be spent to fulfill our very purpose in life which is to worship Allah during our lives. Allah makes the importance of time very clear in the Quran when He says: “I have only created Jinn and Men that they may serve Me. No Sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they should feed Me. For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance, Lord of Power, Steadfast forever).” (Quran, 51:56-58). From this verse, we can say that we should use our time to worship Allah instead of doing some other useless things.

For every true believer knows that life on earth is temporary and its eternal accomplishment lies in terms of pleasing Allah and living its life according to His Commandments. The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran in Chapter Al-Asr about the importance of time: “By the time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.” (Quran, 103: 1-3).

The Ayahs explain the worth of time in the life of a Muslim. The Creator of the world of the worlds declares time as a great measure of one`s success or failure. The Exalted One says that with every advancing moment of existence, human has a great warning that is associated with it.

Time is one of mankind’s most precious resources since it can never be replaced or renewed once it has passed. When we waste our time, it is much like someone investing his capital impulsively and not using it to generate profit. Invest time in good deeds, our beliefs form the foundation of our lives, and those, whose beliefs are established in the Quran, normally act on those beliefs by giving themselves to doing good deeds or we can say by investing their time in doing good deeds.

Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran: “O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger, and make not vain your deeds!” (Quran, 47:33). From this verse we can say that we should do our best to utilize our time in doing good deeds instead of wasting in useless deeds.

The Prophet also said in one of His Hadiths: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become preoccupied, and your life, before your death”.

In short, humankind is told to be conscious of time.  Allah Almighty reminds us that life in this world is but temporary and we do not know our appointed time of death.  We should utilize our time in doing good deeds in the best manner. As believers we must never waste or misuse time, instead, we must value it as a blessing from Almighty Allah.

We must all understand that wasting even a single moment is an opportunity gone, never to return. We are accountable for everything that we did in this life and when our time in this world will be up, we cannot do anything because our time in this world is up and that time will never be going to come back. Time is precious we should try to invest it in the best manner!