Kashmiri activists protest against terrorists

Story by  ATV | Posted by  Aasha Khosa | Date 14-05-2022
Wajahat Farooq Bhat protesting at Indian Gate, New delhi
Wajahat Farooq Bhat protesting at Indian Gate, New delhi


New Delhi

“I have just come from Kashmir to show my solidarity with the bereaved families of a Kashmiri Pandit rahul Bhatt and breaveheart of Jammu and Kashmir Police reyaz Ahmed who were killed by Pakistan-sponsored terrorists.”

Wajahat Ahmed Farooq, a former stone pelter from Baramulla who has turned a peacenik and hold reradicalisation camps for youth all over the country, stood at India Gate on Friday evening holding a placard at Delhi’s India Gate with the above statement written on it.

He was alluding to the common tragedy of Kashmiris who were facing terrorists unleashed by Pakistan since 30 years as he referred to the cremation of revenue official Rahul Bhatt in Jammu and burial of policeman Reyaz Ahmed in Kashmir. Both sons of the soil were killed by terrorists trained, abetted and at times sent by Pakistan.

The killings have sparked sporadic protests in Kashmir although majority of the people are still scared of terrorists’ striking back at them is they speak up.

In Baramulla, Global Youth Foundation NGO held a candle light protest with the slogan “Stop killing; we are one” banner.

Many activists and employees unions have held protest across Kashmir against the killings and activists are sharing these image with tagline #Akhirkabrtak (How Long will the terrorism last)